
The National American Indian and Alaska Native ATTC is excited to be in the final stages of developing a Native American LGBTQ/Two-Spirit curriculum. The intent of the curriculum is to help increase providers’ knowledge and their ability to respond to the challenges of Native LGBTQ/Two-Spirit people. Our goal has been to develop the curriculum in the spirit of collaboration and in partnership with other efforts to mobilize and restore harmony and balance for all Native people, including Native LGBTQ/Two-Spirit individuals.  For more information contact Brandy Oeser.

Special Edition Newsletter

National American Indian and Alaska Native ATTC

The National American Indian and Alaska Native ATTC is excited to share its most recent newsletter, a special issue focusing on the Native LGBTQ/Two Spirit population.  In this newsletter we celebrate the strength and resilience of the Native LGBTQ community.  Special guest writers include: Rick Haverkate, MPH Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians; Apacuar/Tutmalria Larry Kairaiuak, Yup’ik; and Michaela Grey, MPH, Dine´.  Each bring their own expertise and experiences to this newsletter.

In this issue, the National AI/AN ATTC also introduces its upcoming curriculum titled “Honoring Our Relations: Increasing Knowledge on Native LGBTQ/Two Spirit Wellness”.  This curriculum is designed to help increase provider’ knowledge and ability to respond to the challenges of Native LGBTQ/Two Spirit individuals.

We hope that you enjoy this special edition newsletter which can accessed at this link:

AI/AN ATTC Special Issue Newsletter


(W)righting Our Relations – Working with and For Two-Spirit Individuals

November 18, 2016

Walking in Good Way – Cultural Considerations when Working with Two-Spirit Individuals

November 20, 2015


Helpful Links

Cruz (2011) — Medicine bundle of contradictions: Female-man, Mi’kmaq/Acadian/Irish Diasporas, Invisible disAbilities, masculine-Feminist

Real (2010) — First Nations and American Indian societies and gender: A primer for whites

Hamish (2009) — The disappearance of the Two-Spirit traditions in Canada

O’Brien-Teengs (2008) Two Spirit women (2nd ed.)

2spirits (2008) — Our relatives said: A wise practices guide–Voices of Aboriginal trans-people

Bearse et al (USA) (2007) — We’ve always been here: Supporting two-spirit youth in circles and systems of care in tribal communities

Davis et al (2007) — Nowhere near enough: A needs assessment of health and safety services for transgender and Two Spirit people in Manitoba and northwestern Ontario

Koymasky (USA) (2005) (citing Aldrich & Wotherspoon, 2001) — Weiwha: Native American Two-Spirits

Hemmilä (Finland) (2005) (thesis) — Ancestors of Two-Spirits: Representations of Native American third-gender males in historical documentation: A critical discourse analysis in anthropology

Smoke (2004) — The traditional concept of Two-Spirited people: A First Nations perspective

Author unknown (2004) — Native American Berdache: Two Spirit People — Gender does not determine sexuality

Urban Native Youth Association (2004) — Two-Spirit youth speak out! Analysis of the Needs Assessment Tool

Medicine (USA) (2002) — Directions in gender research in American Indian societies: Two Spirits and other categories

Brotman & Ryan (2001) — Critical issues in practice with gay lesbian, bisexual and two-spirit people: educational module for professionals in the fields of health and allied health

Monette et al (2001) — Voices of Two-Spirited Men (part 1)(part 2)

Dimaline (2001) — A place of honour: Two-Spirited people in our communities

Dooley (USA) (2001) — Two-Spirits rising: Historically, Native American tribes thought gays were great!

Jordan (1999) — A Native American perspective on the theory of gender continuum

Deschamps (1998) — We are part of a tradition: A guide on Two-Spirited people for First Nations communities

Kehoe (USA) (1998) — Appropriate terms

Bödeker & Triea (1998) — Native vs. White sex cosmologies: Sex and gender variability vs. variance in inter- vs. intracultural perspective

Young (1997) (Masters’ Thesis) — Alternative genders in the Coast Salish world: paradox and pattern

Roscoe (USA) (1995) — Theorizing the third or How I became a Queen in the Empire of Gender

Paige (USA) (n.d.) — Native American sacred traditions and Western culture

Keshena (n.d.) — Two-Spirit people: Gender and sexual variability in Native North America